
Frederick Douglass: Prophet of Freedom
David Blight, author of Frederick Douglass: Prophet of Freedom, discusses his Pulitzer Prize-winning biography

E pluribus unum? Race, religion, and American identity
Experts including Ibram X. Kendi, Larycia Hawkins, and Jason Johnson probe America's original sin of racism on this PrezFest 2023 panel

The Kerner Commission and the unraveling of American liberalism
Historian Steve Gillon talks about his book on the Kerner Commission, whose report on urban unrest reshaped debates about race and inequality in America

'A republic if you can keep it'
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The foreign policy legacy of President George H. W. Bush
Barbara Perry discusses the Miller Center's new PBS 花猫破解 documentary on The Public Morality show
Virginia filmmakers on public TV
Miller Center Librarian Sheila Blackford discusses the making of Statecraft on Radio IQ
John Lewis oral history
The civil rights icon gave an extensive interview for the Miller Center's Edward M. Kennedy Oral History Project
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The powers of legislative inquiry are broad but should not be misused, writes Saikrishna Prakash
Secret White House Tapes
LBJ orders some new Haggar pants
President Johnson called the Haggar clothing company to order some new pants, providing specific (and sometimes graphic) instructions on how they should be customized for him

"Some fool thing"
14 months before Pearl Harbor, President Franklin Roosevelt ruminates on the growing crisis in the East

Nixon on Jews in the federal government
Nixon orders his chief of staff to "see what we can do about" Jews in the federal government.

JFK orders “one of those blue pills”
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The First Year Project: Infrastructure

America needs a robust, long-term plan to fix its infrastructure

Fix the funding
We can no longer afford to neglect our transportation infrastructure

Get smart
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At a moment when political partisanship and rancor is most acute, the Miller Center is showing a better way: Republicans and Democrats pulling together

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JFK's Inauguration
The Miller Center is a nonpartisan affiliate of the University of Virginia that specializes in presidential scholarship, public policy, and political history and strives to apply the lessons of history to the nation's most pressing contemporary governance challenges.